Linggo, Setyembre 20, 2015

Lesson 18: Tablets for Textbooks in School

Tablets for Textbooks in School

The school adapt technology in teaching the learners. There are school can afford to use tablets instead of text book in imparting knowledge to the learners. It is not easy for the school to replace such tablets in the textbook because is too expensive. Even the government schools cannot give tablets as the medium of instruction. Here in the Philippines the De La Salle School experience in using tablets in discussing their subjects.       
As we observe today even the technology is prone in term of helping teachers to educate the students but the medium of instruction of the teachers are text books. Do there are dis advantages in using textbook but we can assure that the publish text book is very useful for the students. It is reliable for teaching because it publish for the publication.    

Since I studied I prepare using textbook than Ebook because it’s hard for me to read in a long period of time in front of the computer. Not all time that the computer is very helpful to us it also cause some defect in our health. In a subtle way of using technology can help learner but if we abusing it can cause disaster in our life.

We already know that the use of technology help us to become more efficient in teaching. It gives us easier in our work but we should guide the students on how to do such thing in order to bring them more knowledge in handling some application in the computer. At this lesson the incomparable usage of textbook and tablets in school. We should remember that the use of technology can helps us for teaching but the textbook is the medium for instruction.  

Lesson 17: Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application developed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and iOS. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications.
Software developed and manufactured by Microsoft Corporation that allows users to organize, format, and calculate data with formulas using a spreadsheet system broken up by rows and columns. Microsoft Excel usually comes bundled with Microsoft Office and is compatible with other applications offered in the suite of products. The first software program similar to Excel was released in 1982 and was called Multiplan.

                       This application of the software have a big help for the users most especially in the field of teachers. It is so easy for the teacher to compute the grades of their students through excel. Unlike in traditional way in computing grade it takes more time than using excel. With the use of excel is easy to assess                                 

some computation                                          .
In our IT subject, our laboratory teacher teaches us on how to use the Microsoft Excel but it’s hard to remember on how to use it and how to apply it in computing the grades. In using excel we must knowledgeable on how to apply it so that the result of computation is true.

Excel is made for helping the users to calculate data with formulas so their works become easy and simple. With the use of these application we can teach also to the students on how to compute their grades and they already know about their outcome of striving hard for their grades. There are many application of computation in the Microsoft Excel that we can use it depend of what you are needed.


Lesson 16: The Internet and Education

The Internet and Education

Internet is an organized collection of about 25,000 networks accessed by computers on the planet. It has no central headquarters, no centrally offered services, and no comprehensive online index to tell users what information is available in the system. It is coordinated through a standardized protocol (or set of rules for exchanging data) called Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). It is originally developed and still subsidized by the United States government, the internet connect not only commercial, industrial, scientific establishments but all other sectors including and its libraries, campuses, and computer centers.

Through net the information is on our hands. It is only a click on a finger the information is there. With the use of browser in surfing the internet particularly the World Wide Web, an Internet’s subset of text, images, and sounds are link together to allow users to access data or information needed.
In education the school use internet to be fast forward of their works. We can use also an educational application to help the students easier to access their school activities. The advantages of Internet in the user is that they can easily scan information in the computer than going to the library. But make student to be lazy in working by their own. And making them less sociable and effortless in doing such thing.
In our mythology and folklore last semester, we had a quest in Edmodo. As I experience, I felt nervous and tense that I cannot answer and read will the question and hurriedly answer all the items because the time is near to be elapse. As now I must prefer a paper and pencil test than in the Internet. It give more pressure and horrifying in term of answering.

We can see that there are advantages and dis advantages in using the internet as the source of educating students but we consider that we have in the edge of technology. Whether we accept it or not the technology is on our hand and it depend on how we use it. As a teacher we are here to guide and educate students with the use of technology.


Image result for understanding hypermedia


Image result for understanding hypermedia
Hypermedia is the multimedia that use as the educational computer software where information is presented and student activities are integrated in a virtual learning environment. Also the presentation of information-learning activities in hypermedia is a non-linear manner. The application of hypermedia are tutorial software packages, knowledge webpages, simulation instructional games and learning project management.
            The characteristics of hypermedia applications are the learner control and the learner wide range of navigation routes. The learners makes his own decisions on the path, flow or events of instruction is learner control while learner wide range of  navigation routes is the learner controls the sequence and pace of his path depending on their ability and motivation.

                                                                                                             There are more than one media; text, graphics, audio, animation and video clip. These are not necessarily use all types of media in one presentation. Although hypermedia is useful to the impart knowledge but still does not replace life’s experience and learning from nature and life. This is the saying that information and communication technology cannot replace the teacher altogether.

            In the use of hypermedia these are the following instructional events will prove that it is useful to the teacher; get the learners’ attention, recall prior learning, inform learners of lesson objectives, introduce the software and its distinctive features, guide learning and eliciting performance, provide learning feedback, assess performance, and enhance retention and learning transfer.

As we observe now a days the teacher use technology to impart knowledge to their learners. There are application that merely use for the reporter and teachers. Mostly the reporter cannot elaborate well so they used hypermedia to clear the unclear statement of the reporter through the images presented.

 Therefore hypermedia can enhance the learners for motivating their knowledge through applying it. Not only for applying but also in interactive activity through collaboration and can learn through experience. So as a future teacher to give more knowledge and making them motivated for their learning, we must use hypermedia to impro

LESSON 14: The software as an Educational Resource

The software as an Educational Resource

Computer hardware is the computer machine that naturally an attention-getter and it is where the software where input. Software is the system use for the computer or the program of the computer. There two kinds of software the system software and the application software. System software is the operating system that is found or bundled inside all computer machines. Applications software is contains the system that commands the particular task or solves a particular problem.

Image result for The software as an Educational Resource

There some applications software; may be a custom software that is made for specific tasks often by large corporations. Commercial software packaged for personal computers that helps with a variety of tasks such as writing papers, calculating numbers, drawing graphs, playing games, and so much more. Microsoft Windows or Windows for short is an operating environment between the user and the computer operating system also called a shell. It is a layer that creates the way the computer should work.

Windows contained operating system which provides: User convenience, new look, Information center, and lastly Plug and play. Instructional software can be visited on the Internet or can be bought from software shops or dealers. The teacher through his school should decide on the best computer-based instructional (CBI) materials for the school resource collection.

As a reporter I need some sort of motivation in my power point to prevent boredom in the class. Do I am not good in making power point but I can insert some application to do good in my presentation. As we can observe today, most school use CBI materials in their teaching because it is easier to use and can motivate the learners. For example the use of PowerPoint 2013 can help for the teacher to insert some application as their examples for the discussion. Now a days the learners is visual they cannot imagine of what you intend to portray the discussion. They need images and videos to elaborate the true images that picture out the lesson of the subject.

Image result for The software as an Educational Resource
Therefore in giving satisfaction of what you intend to teach for your students, we use CBI but in term of helping them to understand. Make sense in using some application because the intended of CBI is to help not to ruin because of being over use of applications.

Linggo, Setyembre 13, 2015



As the other progressive country the equivalent ratio of IT in Education shows that 2 pupils in 1 computer. It is hardly to achieve 1:1 in every classroom, therefore we can see the reality that even in the government school hardly equip to give the appropriate computer for every classroom. At the classroom the teacher facilitate on how to
divide the students to use the equipment so they can learn. At that situation the cooperative learning is imposed to motivate every learners.

Cooperative or collaborative learning is the learning with the small groups of student that have a common goal and aim. Interdependence is the group member are dependent from each other, Interaction with each other, individual accountability where all the members of the group have a contribution of the activity and also you have the got to be one as a group. To develop an interpersonal skills of the learner.

Cooperative learning and the computer, researchers have made studies on the learning interaction between the student and the computer. Having collaborative learning enhance the ability of the learners to more creative for the works of having the group activity with the use of computer. Researchers agree that the computer is fairly natural learning vehicle for cooperative learning. For these cooperative learning we need to mix the learners in order to share the idea of the learners.

As we studying now the teachers always require us in by group activity so that the activity given is done with good quality. We have an individual activity but we can say that two heads is better than one. We done all activity with the collaboration by each member but there is dis advantages of these, the other member didn't do their part that cause misunderstanding of the group. It is good to have a colleague to do everything but in a manner of socializing not being a leader that you ignore the ideas of other.

Therefore Cooperative learning with computer is the most important of all to achieve a high degree of activity. Every learner have their own idea and can fuse to their group mates in order to enhance their group activity. With the use of computer learners vary their learning and capacity in doing such things that equip by the computer.         



In this lesson, we can find out how teacher assess students to be more effective in teaching and relevant in the learners of the digital world. On the other hand the lesson shall respond the questions on the student-centered learning approaches in the classroom. From the traditional teacher-centered learning approach. This lesson is design to help and adapt the student-learning activities shall be examined.

We compare from traditional teacher-centered and students-centered approaches in this lesson. Traditional teacher-centered is that the teacher is the centered of the classroom, she manage, and she imposed discipline in the classroom and also control the activities in the classroom through lectures and discussions. On the other hand the teacher pours information to the learners.  At this situation the students can be restless and uneasy. They got bored at the lesson that can cause misbehavior of the learner. The teacher often give an individual activity to avoid boredom in the class.

To develop the learning style of the students another option presented and this is adopting students to be independent learners with the end of making them critical and creative thinkers. It is the learners-centered approach which based on activity with the used of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). At this approach the students become active and not passive. They can interact with other and brainstorming on ideas. The teacher only facilitate of the activities given to their students.   

In my experience on my high school days (1997-2001) teacher used traditional ways of teaching. Only the T H E subject that allowed us to experience on how to bake loaf breads and cakes. The rest used lectures and discussions. As today’s learners they are visual and they need to a relevant evidences to learn. They need to experience and more creative to enhance their learning ability. As we observe that the more senses involve the more learning to achieve.

Therefore in innovative activities the learners learn through hands on and the teacher will facilitate. Through the outcome of the students we can measure it, if the goal of the teacher will achieve through their finish product of the students.   

Linggo, Agosto 30, 2015




What is computer for this generation? It is a technology use by human to impart knowledge to learner and give the essential of being genius of the human. It give the simplest of all things not just for fun but also but give purposes of the learners to become innovative and resourceful for the use of the computer. Computer also is a handy tool that you can carry wherever you are.

Both students and teachers can win!

 Lesson 11 the computer as the teacher’s tool, it can fact support the constructivist and social constructivist paradigms of learning. The Constructivism was introduced by Piaget (1981) and Bruner (1990). They gave the stress to knowledge discovery of new meaning/concepts/principles in the learning process. The knowledge making the students engage in gathering unorganized information from which they can include ideas of they are doing.

Related image

Social Constructivism is the knowledge that governed by the society. The knowledge of learning affect from the society that surround us. It can influence the learning of the students. It focuses on integrating of the society where they live. Based on the two learning theories, the teacher can employ the computer as the information tool, a communication tool, a constructive tool, as co-constructive tool, and a situating tool.


The computer is the provider of information needed for the learner that we can call an information tool. It is the source where information gathered. Giving the fact that internet can serve as a channel for global communication and well be the key tool for video teleconferencing sessions. When the tool manipulating information, visualizing one’s understanding, and building new knowledge is called Constructive tool.
Co-constructive tool students can use to work cooperatively and construct a shared understanding of the new knowledge. On the other hand if the computer can create 3-D images on display to give the user the feeling that are situated in a virtual environment is called situating tools, it means of virtual reality (RS) extension system.    

                                                                            Was introduce by :

 piaget (1981) and bruner(1990).

of new meaning/ concepts/ pr...

Computer as the communication tool has been used in communication as evident by social networking sites, such as Facebook, twitter, Friendster and etc. With the use of computer the communication of people is easy to achieve rather than before.
            Today as the way of learning, the new generation of learners more attainable when the teachers use technology for teaching. As the application given by the technology, it help for educators to impart knowledge in an easy way of elaborating things. As I observe today, there are many application can we use to simplify things.
            Our teacher in Ed. Tech. 2 give us an assignment of application that can help us in a certain subjects that he gave us. That kind of application help for every learner and educator for their learning activity and enhance for their knowledge. We can say to it that is very helpful for every one of us because it’s easy to use and give the exact information we want.



            Today we can observe that the students need some kind of gadgets to give justification of their wants. As an educator you can introduce technology not just for fun but in the purpose for helping them to learn more by the used of computer. With the use of computer the learners can easy access the needs of their learning. Teachers guide the learners for giving information not for abusing technology with the hand of learners.